Friday, 14 October 2011

Yet another quick post

Yes another quick post - but I promise a biggie next time!

Thought I would put up a quick couple that I did tonight with my new home made grid spot attachment :)

Essentially I just cut down one of those stupid  plentiful signs that you always see picketed in the ground...

and put it to real good use (other than making rockets of course). So what I did was cut it, stacked the layers up, spray painted it black and wrap around with cardboard and black duct tape - Presto!! instant grid :D

So inevitably I had to try it out. The reason why I ended up making it is because great photographers always say  
Sometimes what makes a photo sing is not so much where the light is, but where it isn't.

Here is the set up scenario (with my lovely wife to help)

And here are the results:

I happened to have a can of deodorant nearby and thought that the cloud from the released gas would come up nicely. So we gave it a try. Throw in some contrast and viola!

Thats it for tonight. Am going to rest now for the day that is ahead of me (*Hint Hint* photos of some bands at a concert *Hint Hint*)

Ciao ciao for now,


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