So I asked my lovely wife to partake in my experimentation with umbrella work and she was kind enough to say yes :)
So using the above setup (1 strobe pointed into the shoot through umbrella and 1 CTB'd Strobe pointed at the wall to separate the subject) Igot some interesting results...
ISO was set to 200, Umbrella Strobe was sitting at either 1/8th or 1/16th power depending on the picture and the gelled strobe was at 1/8th power. I chose to keep the umbrella close to the subject in order to limit the effect that it had on the background. Also when you put it close to the subject - the relative size of the light source increases, hence softening the light further as David Hobby explains in his awesome, awesome blog The Strobist
So I ended up with a few interesting shots of myself and Shona, first including ambient light........
And then I cut out the ambient and boosted the gelled strobe......
I thought I'd throw in a few extra faces there :)
So yeah - I think I'll be using umbrellas alot more now for profiles :)
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